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At least some of the delays in delivering crypto withdrawals to customers were due to the fact that QuadrigaCX simply did not have the funds on hand at the time.

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In some cases, QuadrigaCX was forced to wait for enough customer deposits to be made on the exchange before processing crypto withdrawal requests by their customers. In fact, it is almost impossible to believe that this is the case in lieu of the empirical evidence provided by the blockchain. So they potentially lied in a legal document submitted to higher authority. Isn't this how an efficient system works?

Coinbase does the same and bundles and matches customers' deposits with withdrawals. I concur with the findings that Quadriga does not seem to have anything that resembles a cold wallet. I would like to point out though that the fact that they were re-routing user deposits to pending withdrawals in itself is not really suspicious or indicative of a ponzi scheme given that Quadriga was paying the transaction fees which at times have been out of control.

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Rather than doing 2 transactions into and out of the hot wallet they were just directly routing funds from deposits addresses out to withdrawal addresses. Absolutely outstanding research, particularly given the short timeframes. Congrats to the author. Gox wallet which, if I read the report correctly, represents a 7 month period. It will be interesting to see if similar activity is discovered in the analysis of ETH, BCH, LTC and BTG - and if such activity is discovered to have commenced well before that 7 month period.

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