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Brands will need to adopt practices like Privacy by Design. Mindful Living is filtering into the mainstream as more people feel drawn to the idea of shutting out distractions and see it as a competitive advantage Survival of the Focused. This will mean everything from Digital Grieving to Divorce Parties.
Consumers will revive old traditions Traditional Folk Clothing or put a new spin on them Godless Congregations. For a look at highlights from past Things to Watch and updates on a few things we spotlighted a year ago, jump to Our Track Record. Aerial Yoga 4. African Contemporary Art 5. Algae Chinese Wines Glanceable UI The Circular Economy Glassware Mindfulness in Classrooms Godless Congregations Minimoons The Social Divide Minute to Read It Soju Google Glass Etiquette Needle-Free Vaccines Speaking Visually Oculus Rift Stealth Health Haptic Technology Photoshop for All Survival of the Focused Podcast One Tablet-First TV Privacy by Design Techno-Paranoia Privacy Marketplace Telediagnostics Cocktails on Tap 2 4.
CommunitySupported Everything Contemplative Computing OTT TV 6. Ambient Commerce Couriers on Call 7.
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Armchair Travel Craft Mocktails 8. Arrested IRL Development Deconstructed Dinners 9. Art Incubators Delivery Wars AwesomenessTV Demonizing Food Dyes Human Touches Digital Art Digital Grieving 5 2. Internet Safety Nets Divorce Parties Jumia Role-Playing Adventures Drone Regulation Kid-Bots Savory Yogurt E-Cigarette Regulation Live Broadcasts Seamless Payments Edible Packaging Makeup Salons The Marijuana Market Semiautonomous Cars Beacons Bitcoin Rivals Bitcoins Bust Out 1 4.
Branded Real Estate Development Brands Blur Gender Lines Brands in Space Brazil As Debutante Equal Rights for Men Brazilian Art Fashion for the Space Age Breath Analysis Fast Food Tofu 2 0. Catering to Chemical Sensitivities Feel-Good Fashion THINGS TO WATCH IN Hashtag Fatigue Heads-Up Movement Homemade Baby Food Delivery Infused Ice Cubes Messaging Apps As Retail Channel Metadata Regional Ethnic Cuisine Robotic Security Guards Sensory Literacy As Core Curriculum Sight-Running Smart Vending Machines Snail Slime Sports Mashups Telepresence Robots Traditional Folk Clothing Ugly Produce Unconventional Models Vaping Lounges Vegetable Co-Stars Verified Reviewers Virtual Stickers Come to Life Xbox Programming Xiaomi 1 3D PRINTER RETAIL HUBS Retailers are getting into the 3D printing game by providing access to the technology for consumers not ready to invest in their own printers.
In the U. British supermarket Asda has been testing in-store 3D scanning and printing, enabling customers to replicate objects in ceramic. Tesco is exploring the idea of adding in-store 3D printers that could provide replacement parts and niche items. The upcoming 3Doodler is a 3D pen that lets users create objects by simply scribbling, tracing or waving a finger in the air. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Occipital 3 AERIAL YOGA This low-impact, high-energy yoga variation, in which participants are suspended from stretchy fabric, is taking off from Florida to Johannesburg.
Created by former Broadway choreographer and Cirque du Soleil co-founder Christopher Harrison, who runs AntiGravity Fitness, aerial yoga is said to enable a deeper stretch.
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In London, four galleries focusing exclusively on contemporary African artists have opened; the city hosted the inaugural Contemporary African Art Fair in ; and the Tate Modern created an African collections committee in The Brooklyn Museum featured two shows from contemporary African artists in , Ghanaian sculptor El Anatsui and Nairobi-born Wangechi Mutu now based in Brooklyn. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Brooklyn Museum 5 ALGAE Already being harnessed as a petroleum alternative, the organism is finding its way into everything from cosmetics to fertilizer.
Sephora is selling Algenist, from biotech company Solazyme, which incorporates the anti-aging alguronic acid and microalgae oil. Consumers would set up guidelines in advance, then let technology take care of the rest. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Google 7 ARMCHAIR TRAVEL New technologies will enable vicarious travel in novel ways.
GoPro is already enabling adventure seekers to easily record and share their experiences, from surfing to scuba diving. Live streaming via Google Glass will let people remotely accompany Glass wearers on their travels. Meanwhile, the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset will provide the ultimate in armchair travel. The New Museum in New York will invite several dozen forward-thinkers from the worlds of architecture, design, technology and art to participate in an ambitious incubator that opens in mid And the Los Angeles County Museum of Art is turning a research library into a lab for artists and the technology-minded, to be supported by brands including Accenture, Google and SpaceX.
DreamWorks Animation clearly believes so, buying the online network in , a year after it was launched. Awesomeness, which attracts some 60 million unique monthly visitors, comprises many thousands of YouTube channels, featuring a panoply of young video stars. Swirl Networks sells a mobile marketing platform that relies on its own SecureCast Beacons. The beacons have great potential beyond retail: Museum visitors, for instance, could get tours tailored to their meanderings.
Major League Baseball has tested iBeacons as a way to guide stadium visitors and send concession offers. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Gimbal 12 BITCOIN RIVALS As Bitcoin starts gaining acceptance, a crop of rivals are betting on second-mover advantages in the virtual-currency realm.
BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN 13 BITCOINS BUST OUT Bitcoins are coming to the real world, quickly moving beyond the realm of online exchanges. Robocoin and Lamassu are among the companies installing Bitcoin ATMs, which allow users to trade the peer-to-peer virtual currency for cash and vice versa. A smattering of restaurants and bars in cities from London to Sydney to New York are accepting Bitcoin. Bitcoin Motor is developing a service that allows people to buy and sell cars using the currency, while Virgin Galactic is accepting Bitcoin for its commercial space flights.
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As more established brands accept the currency, watch Bitcoin gain legitimacy. Urban Outfitters is developing the 6. Ikea is building a car-free private neighborhood in a rundown area of London and plans to develop a similar one in Hamburg. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Ikea 15 BRANDS BLUR GENDER LINES Conventional ideas about male and female domains, activities, behaviors, preferences and styles are evolving, with Millennials leading the way.
As we move toward a more nuanced concept of gender, brands are starting to see new opportunities by dropping traditional assumptions about the sexes. Johnnie Walker is trying to appeal to women, while a range of cosmetics brands are creating products designed for men. BACK TO THINGS TO WATCH IN Image credit: Tom Ford 16 BRANDS IN SPACE As space travel goes commercial, brands are rocketing into this new frontier. A ticket to space will become the ultimate prize, already offered by brands including Axe which sponsors the Axe Apollo Space Academy and has awarded 23 tickets with Space Expedition Corp.