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Opensource is already massively used in the private sector. Let's fix the anomaly by using it in the public sector too! I do research in computer science and it's baffling how some papers do not publish their code.

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My name Andrew and I am not getting now cash in this time we r going throw me and my love of my live e heaving a baby soon give the cash 2 t. I want code on my URL I have tried to create account with your platform but I couldn't I lost my existing account details help please. Wer an der Schule nur GAFAM kennenlernt, wird auch später die Vorzüge freier Software kaum erkennen.

Daher: Schulen vor!

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Dear representatives, dear deciders, free yourself from lobbyism of the mighty, rich corporations, and listen to the civil society! Software which is built by public money must be owned by the public, giving anyone access to the essence of the software: its source code. If software is financed by the public, for the public, then it should also be publicly available under a FLOSS licence. Wir wären schon so viel weiter, wenn dies bereits die Regel wäre.

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Gerade Kommunen würden auch finanziell stark profitieren. FreeSoftware fsfe. Absolutely, We aren't only to pay. If we are paying we must have this power to see what is happening and how it could be improved. If taxpayers paid for something, they need to own it. Transparency and open access will reduce corruption and lower costs for everyone.

We all have been eyewitnesses and trying to use a bad, in a lot of cases useless, government software. I strongly believe that publicly financed software for the public sector should be kept open, since its a legitimate payback of our taxes. Modern society can no longer exist without software. So it is a great need to democritize software, if we want a democratic society.

This would be mutually beneficial, fostering collaboration, gaining access to more development resources, and distributing software to incre.

Open Source is the only viable solution on the long term, but it shouldn't be the case for the private sector only. Keep it up! Free software is the only future for a democratic society which bases their political debate and social discurs on digital technologies. It should be like the supermarkets: You see the item, you buy it, and it's yours to do as you want. PUBLIC MONEY. PUBLIC CODE! We should not accept that public money is thrown at the same problems again and again.

Our best chance is to make sure that data and code a. I don't want my tax money to fund companies that obscure their code in the name of Intellectual property and force people into an ecosystem. Software produced for government needs to be FOSS. This is vital to the future of software in Government. Anything paid for by the public should be available to the public. This includes research papers not hidden behind paywalls. Any software which is built using public money should be open for public or else its called stealing the public money.

Public Money? Public Code! To use an open source model for developing code with public funds should have been obvious from the start! Motto: Wer zahlt, bestimmt. Die öffentliche Ausbeutung für private Interessen muss beendet werden. As a former language school owner and IT employee responsible for FOSS deployments, I am sure that such legislation will be very beneficial.

It's only logical!

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Don't believe the corporate lobbyists. Be relevant, consider your legacy for the future. Publicly financed Software must be in public ownership to ensure data protection, and to keep it scalable and adaptable to changing needs. Nur durch die Maxime "Public Money, Public Code" wird kostspielige Mehrfachentwicklung und Vendor-Lock-In vermieden. It is very important to be able to review public code infrastructure.

That way we don't have to trust as we can check. Openness is particularly important when public services rely on software, and make decisions that have an impact on our lives. The most expensive thing is the time to bring knowledge in peoples heads. And this knowledge never should not be owned by a SW company. Absolutely Agree, Public Money, Public Code of Course, Very Good Idea But I Think Implementation Is Very Difficult and Compromosing Security.

Life is always a lot to say. Life is a deadlock with repeated arguments that make fairness unsurpassed. It's a nonsense to use public money for privative code.

Software funded by public money should be free as in freedom , auditable, etc! Inoltre fa risparmiare soldi! Assolutamente giusto e necessario per costruire un sistema equo, solidale e sostenibile. Basta con le ricchezze di tutti in mano ai pochi. Il est temps de faire bouger les choses.

Marre de donner de l'argent aux multinationales pour aucun retour. For people of the world to be free, information and policy has to be based on free and open sourced software. In an age of growing Artifici. I support this political idea for a very, very long time. It only feels natural to help out make it more popular. Public code creates transparent governance, fosters public knowledge and improves internal and external governmental collaboration! I strongly believe that proprietary software should be banned from public institutions, in favor to open source programs.

I totally support it as many suspicious acts arise from government pays for closed-source software dev. Die Unabhängigkeit von propriätärer Software und Schutz von Daten ist essentiell für Europas Zukunft. Es necesaria la transparencia para evitar fraudes. This idea is great and obvious.

Please show the exemple to motivate other country to do the same. Estoy muy de acuerdo con este proyecto ya que los politicos gastan a destajo el dinero que el contribuyente aporta a pais. Improving code in terms of efficiency and security, making code reusable, sharing by-public-financed knowledge. Softwares developed using various technologies should have free editors, free hosting and free learning curve.

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I am looking forward to work. Systems that manage sensitive data must be open-source. Closed-source software should be 1 priority for all the public sector especially public schools and universities. The most of inovations is based on open source code, why to pay for its closed versions and vendor-lock in solutions if they prowe to fail. Es ist mir unbegreiflich, wie öffentliche Mittel eingesetzt werden können, für etwas das dann nicht öffentlich ist.

Public monies should not go toward paying for proprietary sw licenses, when FOSS alternatives exist. Als Informatiker ist es mir sehr wichtig, dass solche projekte auch der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden. Vom Steuerzahler ermöglichte Projekte müssen OpenSource-basiert sein. Für mehr Legitimation und Transparenz. Unsere Steuern sollten wieder der Algemeinheit zugute kommen und Open source ist dafür bei Software "the way to go". We all think that everyone should open-source their code just for the sake of security and privacy. Free Software makes this world better for everyone.

And it enables everyone to make more Free Software. Sounds nice?