Tanaka, The Society of Materials Science, Kyoto, Japan, July , , pp. Müller, S. Solids Struct. Giovanola, A. Rosakis, ASME, New York, AMD-Vol. Müller, "On the Influence of Elastic Mismatch on Stress-Intensity Factors of Cracks Perpendicular to a Bimaterial Interface", Int. RR27 Müller, "On the Influence of Elastic Mismatch on Stress-Intensity Factors of Cracks Perpendicular to a Bimaterial Interface - Corrigendum", Int. R15 Schmauder, "Stress-Intensity Factors of r-Cracks in Fiber-Reinforced Composites Under Thermal and Mechanical Loading", Int.
Schmauder, "Interface Stresses in Fiber-Reinforced Materials with Regular Fiber Arrangements", Comp. Meyer, S. Schmauder, "Thermal Stress Intensity Factors of Interface Cracks in Bimaterials", Int. Dreier, M. Elssner, "Fracture Mechanics Studies of Thermal Mismatch Using a Four-Point Bending Specimen", Acta metall. SS Elssner, "Mixed-Mode Fracture Investigations of Interface Cracks in Dissimilar Media", Mixed Mode Fracture and Fatigue , Eds. Rossmanith, K. Miller, European Structural Integrity Society, Salisbury, U.
Dreier, S. Elssner, "Propagation and Facture Energy of Interface Cracks in Elastically Similar Brittle Materials under Mixed Mode Loading Conditions", Mixed Mode Fracture and Fatigue , Eds. Pickard, S. Schmauder, D. Zahl, A. Evans, "Effects of Misfit Strain and Reverse Loading on the Flow Strength of Particulate-Reinforced Al-Matrix Composites", Acta metall. Schmauder, "Role of Interface Properties on the Toughness of Brittle Matrix Composites Reinforced with Ductile Fibers", J.
Zahl, S. Schmauder, R. McMeeking, "Elastic Behaviour of Discontinuously Reinforced Composites", Z. Metallkunde 84 , pp. Rozeveld, J. Howe, S. Schmauder, "Measurement of Residual Strain in an Al-SiC w Composite Using Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction", Acta metall. Li, Y. Zhao, S. Schmauder, "A Cohesion Model of Microcrack Toughening", Eng. Dreier, T. Schmauder, "Determination of Residual Stresses in Bimaterials", J.
Dietrich, M. Fischmeister, "Numerische Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens von Faserverbundwerkstoffen unter transversaler Belastung", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde , Hrsg. Leonhardt und G. Ondracek, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Oberursel, S. Steinkopff, S. Elssner, "Effect of Mode Mixity on Interface Cracks in Brittle Bimaterials Under CTS-Loading", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde , Hrsg.
Ondracek, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Oberursel, pp. Schmauder, "Ermittlung von Eigenspannungen in Bimaterialverbunden", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde , Hrsg. Meyer, "Correlation Between Dundurs' Parameters and Elastic Constants", Z. Metallkunde 83 , pp. Meyer, "Influence of Thermal Residual Stresses on the Interface Crack", Finite Elements in Engineering Applications, Proceedings of the Fourth Int.
Finite Element Conference , Strasbourg, Ed. Schneibel, R. Darolia, D. Lahrman, S. Schmauder, "Fracture Morphology of NiAl Single Crystals Tested in Tension", Metall. A 24A , pp. Schmauder, "T-Stress Related to Thermal Residual Stresses in Bimaterials", Scripta Metall. Soppa, C. Dietrich, S. Poech, H. Lipetzky, S. Schmauder, "Crack-Particle Interaction in Two-Phase Composites, Part I: Particle Shape Effects", Int. Ge, S. Schmauder, "Elastic Modulus and Interface Stress Constraint of Particle Reinforced Composites", Mat. A , pp. Fischmeister, "Geometrical Factors Related to Composite Microcracking", Computational Materials Science 1 , pp.
Chandra, A. Schmauder, "Stress and Strain Partitioning in a Ag-Ni Fibre Composite Under Transverse Loading: Finite Element-Modelling and Experimental Study", Computational Materials Science 1 , pp. Sautter, C. Fischmeister, "Finite Element Modelling of a Transverse-Loaded Fibre Composite: Effects of Section Size and Net Density", Computational Materials Science 1 , pp.
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Wulf, S. Fischmeister, "Finite Element Modelling of Crack Propagation in Ductile Fracture", Computational Materials Science 1 , pp. Meyer, G. Schmauder, "Interfacial Fracture Mechanics on Sandwich Specimens with Variable Layer Thickness", Computational Materials Science 1 , pp. Schmauder, "Definition of Thick and Thin Elastic Interlayers with Respect to External Loading", Scripta Metall.
Steinkopff, J. Fischmeister, "FE-Simulation von Versagensmechanismen in duktilen Werkstoffen mittels LARSTRAN", 3. PATRAN Anwender Forum am 4. März in Lenggries , PDA-Engineering International GmbH, München, S. Ge, D. Wu, S. Schmauder, "Effects of Elastic Interlayer Thickness on Interfacial Failure with Respect to Thermal Loading", Mis-Matching of Welds , ESIS 17 Eds. Schwalbe and M. Korn, M. Meyer, "Fracture Mechanical and Structural Interpretation of Bond Strength in Material Joints", Mis-Matching of Welds , ESIS 17 Eds. Union Mat. Somiya, M. Doyama, M.
Hasegawa, S. Yamada, IUMRS-ICAM, Aug. McMeeking, "Mechanical Behavior of Residually Stressed Composites with Ductile and Brittle Constituents", Modell. Kreher, S. Schmauder, "Change of Elastic Energy due to Void Formation", ZAMM 75 , pp. Elssner, "Interfacial Cracks in Bimaterials under Thermal and Applied Stresses", Fracture Mechanics, Proceedings of the Indo-German Workshop on Advances in Fracture Mechanics , March April 1, Bangalore, Eds. Krishna-Murthy, F. Schmauder, "Elastic Modulus and Interface Stress Constraint of Particle Reinforced Composites", Materials under Extreme Conditions and Nanophase Materials , Eds.
Kostorz, I. Gorynin, V. Trefilov, H. Kunze, B. Günther, B. Skorokhod, V. Troitsky, North-Holland, Amsterdam, NL, pp. Beltz, S. Schmauder, "A Multi-Plane Model for Defect Nucleation at Cracks", Defect-Interface Interactions , Eds. Kvam, A. King, M. Mills, T. Sands and V.
Vitek, MRS Proceedings , Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, pp. Schmauder, "Transverse Strength of Continuous Fiber Metal Matrix Composites", Computational Materials Science 3 , pp. Müller, H. Gao, C. Chiu, S. Schmauder, "A Semi-Infinite Crack in Front of a Circular, Thermally Mismatched Heterogeneity", Int. Fischmeister, "Simulation of Force-Displacement Curves by a Finite-Element Elimination Technique", Computational Materials Science 3 , pp. Du, R. McMeeking, S. Schmauder, "Transverse Yielding and Matrix Flow Past the Fibers in Metal Matrix Composites", Mech.
Schmauder, "Transformation, Microcrack, and Thermal Residual Stress as Interactive Processes in ZrO 2 -Toughened Al 2 O 3 , Simulated by the Finite Element Method", Met. A 25A , pp. Riedle, J. Schmauder, "A Method for Measuring Compliances and Crack Length by Strain Gauge and 3D Finite Element Calculation", Eng. Ludwig, P. Mukherjee, S. Farrissey, S. Dong, E. Soppa, M. Poech, P.
McHugh, "Investigation of the Strengthening of Particulate Reinforced Composites using Different Analytical and Finite Element Models", Computational Materials Science 15 , pp. Dong, "Quantitative Characterization of Microcracking in Brittle Materials by Finite Element Modeling", Eng. Li, S. Dong, "Basic Character of the Fracture and Yielding Strengths of Particulate Two-Phase Materials Predicted by a Local Virtual Fracture Model", Proc eedings Int.
Solids Mat. Loh et al. Aoki, Y. Moriya, K. Schmauder, "Finite Element Fracture Analysis of WC-Co Alloys", Eng. Schmauder, A. Wanner, M. Dong, "Expressions to Characterize the Flow Behavior of Particle-Reinforced Composites Based on Axisymmetric Unit Cell Models", Scripta metall. Dong, "A Simple Mechanical Model to Predict Fracture and Yield Strengths of Particulate Two-Phase Materials", Computational Materials Science 15 , pp. Schmauder, "Finite Element Fracture Analysis of WC-Co Alloys", Dynamic Plasticity and Structural Behaviors, Proceedings of Plasticity '95, The fifth international symposium on plasticity and its current applications, July , , Sakai, Osaka, Japan, Eds.
Tanimura, A. Khan, Gordon and Breach Publ. Dong, "Vorhersage der Festigkeit von Verbundwerkstoffen", Spektrum der Wissenschaft 11 , pp. Dong, S. Schmauder, "FE Modeling of Continuous Fiber and Particle Reinforced Composites By Self-Consistent Embedded Cell Models", Computational Methods in Micromechanics, ASME, AMD-Vol. Schmauder, "Modeling of Metal Matrix Composites by a Self-Consistent Embedded Cell Model", Acta metall. Schmauder, J. Wulf, Th. Steinkopff, H. Pineau, A. Zaoui, Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, pp.
Haake, "Computer Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Composites - Interfacial Cracks in Fiber-Reinforced Materials", Scripta Metall. Ziegler,DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Oberursel, S. Rohde, S. Bradt et al. Weichert, "Computational modelling of the mechanical behaviour of materials", Computational Materials Science 5 , p. Schmauder, "Interfacial Fracture in the Presence of Residual Stresses", Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics , Eds.
Dong, "Simulation des mikro- und makromechanischen Verhaltens von Verbundwerkstoffen", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Oberursel, S. Bao, "Mesoscopic Modelling of Gradient Zones in Hardmetals", Computational Materials Science 7 , pp. Lippmann, S. Gumbsch, "Numerical and Experimental Study of the Failure Mechanisms in AlSi-Cast Alloys", Localised Damage 96 , Computer Aided Assessment and Control June , Fukuoka, Japan, Eds. Nisitani, M. Aliabadi, S. Isida and D. Cartwright, Computational Mechanics Publications, Ashurs, pp.
Tagung des DVM Arbeitskreises Bruchvorgänge , Februar , Bremen, DVM Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und —prüfung E. Reusch, D. Klingbeil, S. Fischmeister, P. Schmauder, T. Steinkopff, M. Poech, C. Sautter, E. Soppa, J. Wulf, "Computermodellieren des Verhaltens von Verbundwerkstoffen", Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Jahrbuch , Hrsg. Mishnaevsky Jr. Schmauder, "A Model of Damage and Fracture Based on Fuzzy Sets Theory", 11th European Conference on Fracture ECF , " Mechanics and Mechanisms of Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures ", Ed.
Petit, EMAS Ltd. Februar , Bremen, S. Lippmann, P. Hirsch, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt Main , Germany, S. Lippmann, Th. Gumbsch, "3D-Finite-Element-Modelling of Microstructures with the Method of Multiphase Elements", Conf. Modelling in Materials Science and Process, Eds. Rappaz, M. Kedro, ECSC-EC-EACE, Brussels, Belgium, pp. Schmauder, "Strength of Particulate Composites with a High Content of High-Melting Point Filler", Engineering Foundation Conference in Processing and Design Issues in High Temperature Materials , Eds. Stoloff and R. Jones, May , Davos, Switzerland, TMS, Warrendale, USA, pp.
Dong, J. Wulf, "Finite Elements in Micromechanics", Simulationstechniken in der Materialwissenschaft , Hrsg. Klimanek und W. Pantleon, Freiberger Forschungshefte B Werkstoffwissenschaft, Werkstofftechnologie, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, pp. Schmauder, "Damage Localization in Heterogeneous Materials under Dynamical Loading: Stochastic Modelling", Comp. Schmauder, "Crystal Plasticity Modelling", Stuttgarter Uni-Kurier 72 , S. Schmauder, "Damage Evolution and Heterogeneity of Materials: Model Based on Fuzzy Set Theory", Eng.
Ludwig, S. Schmauder, "Modellierung von Werkstoffeigenschaften auf atomarer Ebene", Stuttgarter Uni-Kurier 72, S. Gumbsch, "3D-Finite-Element-Modelling of Microstructures with the Method of Multiphase Elements", Computational Materials Science 9 , pp. Kempf, S. Schmauder, "Thermodynamic Modelling of the Precipitation Hardening of Gold Alloys", Gold Bulletin 31 , pp. Raabe, Preface to Computational Materials Science 7 , pp. Bidlingmaier, A. Wanner "Prediction of the Mechanical Behaviour of Short Fiber Reinforced MMCs by Combined Cell Models", Computational Materials Science 9 , pp.
Akahoshi, S. Ludwig "Evaluation of Embrittlement of Iron by Molecular Dynamics Simulation", No. Schmauder, "Analysis of rock fragmentation with the use of the theory of fuzzy sets", EUROCK - Prediction and Performances in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ,Balkema Publ. September , Torino, Italy. Schmauder, E. Soppa, "Micromechanics of Composites", Proc. Michel, T. Winkler, Verlag Druckhaus Dresden GmbH, Berlin, pp. Mintchev, J. Khan, Neat Press, Fulton, Maryland, USA, pp. Winkler, Berlin, Verlag Druckhaus Dresden GmbH, Berlin, pp. Lütze, "Modellierung der Schädigung in kurzfaserverstärkten Polymermatrix-Modellwerkstoffen Einzelfasermodell ", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Kaiserslautern, Hrsg.
Friedrich, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft Verlag, Oberursel, September , S. Soppa, S. Schmauder, "Simulation of Interpenetrating Microstructures by Self Consistent Matricity Models", Scripta mater. Ludwig, D. Farkas, D. Pedraza, S. Schmauder, "Embedded Atom Potential for Fe-Cu Interactions and Simulations of Precipitate-Matrix Interfaces", Modell. Schmauder, "Erratum to Transverse Mechanical Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Composites: FE Modelling with Embedded Cell Models", Computational Materials Science 9 , p.
Friedrich, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Oberursel, S. Schmauder, Corrigendum - "Modeling of metal matrix composites by a self-consistent embedded cell model", Acta Materialia 44 , pp.
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Dong, P. Schmauder, "Was ist Mesomechanik? Ludwig, L. Farrisey, S. Schmauder-1 - Schmauder Nandy, S. Schmauder, B. Kim, M. Watanabe, T. Kishi, "Simulation of Crack Propagation in Al 2 O 3 Particle-Dispersed SiC Composites", J. Bischoff: "Numerische und experimentelle Analyse des Mikroverformungsverhaltens eines Ag-Polykristalls", Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Hrsg.
Ludwig, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Impact Test", Proceedings 23rd MPA-Seminar on Safety and Reliability of Plant Technology , October , Vol. November , Tagungsband , Hrsg. Deryugin, G. Lasko, S. Schmauder, "Relaxation Element Method", Computational Materials Science 11 , pp.
Lauf, H. Maier, S. Cornec, S. Schmauder, Preface to Computational Materials Science 9 , p.
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Soppa, D. Amos, S. Hu, M. Kizler, S. Gumbsch, "In-situ Observation of Damage Evolution and Fracture in AlSi7Mg0. Dietzhausen, M. Schmauder "Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Emission in Fiber Reinforced Polymers", Computational Materials Science 13 , pp. Schmauder, "Mesomechanical Simulation of Crack Propagation through Graded Ductile Zones in Hardmetals", Computational Materials Science 13 , pp.
Hönle, S. Hönle, M. Dong, L. Schmauder, "FE-Simulation of Damage Evolution and Crack Growth in Two Phase Materials", Proceedings Euromech-Mecamat, Mechanics of Materials with Intrinsic Length Scale: Physics, Experiments, Modelling and Applications , Eds. Bertram, S. Forest, F. Sidoroff, Publisher: Institut für Mechanik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, pp.
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Fischer, E. Schmauder, Y. September , Eds. Carstensen, T. Leffers, T. Lorentzen, O. Pedersen, B. Nandy, N. Tohyama, B. Enoki, S. Kishi, "FEM Simulation of Transverse Bridging in Fiber Reinforced Composites", J. Soppa, "Verformung und Bruch von Metallen mit nichtmetallischen Einschlüssen", 7. Symposium Nichtmetalle in Metallen '98, Hrsg. Hirschfeld, GDMB Gesellschaft für Bergbau, Metallurgie, Rohstoff- und Umwelttechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, S.
Uhlmann, P. Winther, pp.
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Weber, S. Schmauder, "Mesomechanical Modelling of Composites Containing FGMs Related Interpenetrating Microstructures Based on Micromechanical Matricity Models", Materials Science Forum Vols. Schmauder, "Thoughts on Damage Simulation of Precipitation Embrittlement in Ductile Materials Based on Modelling at Atomistic, Micro- and two Mesolevels", Proceedings 13th U.
National Congress of Applied Mechanics , University of Florida, June , , RB6 Schmauder, "Micromechanical Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of MMCs", Proceedings 5th International Conference on Composites Engineering , 5. July, Las Vegas, USA, Ed. Schmauder, "Modellierung von Versetzungen und deren Auswirkungen auf das Werkstoffverhalten", Stuttgarter Uni-Kurier 80 , S.
FEM-Congress, November , Baden-Baden, Hrsg. Melander, P. McHugh, J. Hönle, Or. Mintchev, A. Thuvander, H. Thoors, D. Quinn, P. Connolly, "New Tool Materials with a Structural Gradient for Milling Applications", J. IV France 9 , pp. PrPr Schmauder, "Linking Nanoscale and Macroscale: Calculation of the Change in Crack Growth Resistance in Steels with Different States of Cu Precipitation using a Modification of Stress-Strain Curves Owing to Dislocation Theory, Proceedings 24th MPA-Seminar on Safety and Reliability of Plant Technology , October , Vol.
Turan, S. Interregionales Europäisches Kolloquium über Keramik und Verbundwerkstoffe — IEKC6 , Ed. Gadow and Co-authors, Expert-Verlag, Renningen, pp.
Farrissey, M. McHugh, S. Schmauder, "An Atomistic Study of Void Growth in Single Crystalline Copper", Computational Materials Science 18 , pp. Schmauder, "The Plastic Energy Dissipation in Metal Matrix Composites during Cyclic Loading", Computational Materials Science 15 , pp. Soppa, "Influence of Geometry Factors on the Mechanical Behavior of Particle- and Fiber-Reinforced Composites", Computational Materials Science 15 , pp.
Schmauder, "Formation and Self-Organization of the LPD Bands within the Range from Meso- to Macrolevel in Polycrystals under Tensile Loading", Computational Materials Science 15 , pp.